(Bad) news from Last.fm

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Some days ago Last.fm announced huge changes in the availability of thematic radios, in particular the cancellation of the “favorites” radio and the personal tag radio. At the end of this post you can find a copy of the original announce.

Since I'm a Last.fm subscriber and therefore I pay for the service, my first reaction has been of extreme disappointment. When I read the reason why the service has been suspended, the disappointment turned into outrage:

Licensing music is a complex and labour intensive process. By discontinuing a few stations, we're able to focus our energy on improving our most popular features, developing new and innovative stations, and offering the best music discovery service to our global audience.

Is managing the licenses so complex? And what happened to the money I pay for the service and the licenses?

The overall result is that I can not listen to “Jazz” or “Pop” radios anymore and, obviously, I will not renew my subscription.

Click here to read the Last.fm original announcement

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