Articles Labelled with “Digital life”

Panoramic view of Italy from IIS

Image of Italy from the International Space Station

Today the BBC site published a spectacular nightly view of Italy from the ISS, the International Space Station. Here is the original page on the ESA site.

Click the image to enlarge, or download the original picture in high resolution (2.3 Mb, 12 Megapixel).

Encoding, questo sconosciuto

Immagine del quoting errato

Questa sera ho installato il nuovo decoder per il digitale terrestre. Gioco un po' con l'EPG e scopro un grossolano errore di quoting da una sorgente evidentemente XHTML, cliccate l'immagine per ingrandirla.

La codifica dei caratteri si conferma una delle nozioni più complicate dell'informatica moderna… È già un miracolo che non sia esploso il televisore!


Archeologia informatica e pensieri Zen

Oggi, facendo ordine in studio, sono saltati fuori questi vecchi floppy disk.

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Mi pareva brutto non avere una favicon, così ora ho una favicon brutta :-)

Source repository of this blog

Following my previous post, some people asked me to show the source code of this blog, so here it is:

A general warning: the project wasn't thought to be published and so the code is a pile of scripts kept together in some way. Many parameters are present in the SQLite DB, but if you want to use the blog, expect to find my name, surname or email in the HTML templates, or even in some .ml files.

Moreover, the source code is not homogeneous and the style changes from module to module, because I changed my way (and skill) of programming in OCaml in time.

In any case, I hope you will find it interesting.

My new blog… in Objective Caml

More than a year ago I decided to dismiss my Wordpress blog, and to write a new one from scratch in OCaml. Unfortunately my spare time for programming projects is getting less and less, so this simple work took a lot of time to reach an usable state.

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Google Android

First of all Google decided to bind its brand new and "revolutionary" operating system to an old pile of crap like Java.

Then the Big G decided to enlighten us with App inventor, nothing more than a toy for kids.

As a consequence of this policy, aimed to entice smart people, someone decided to write PFA, PHP for Android, doubtless an excellent idea.

My question now is: what's next? Maybe COBOL?

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Creative Commons License Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Italy License.

RSS Feed. Valid XHTML 1.1. This blog is written in Objective Caml. Design based on the work of Rodrigo Galindez.